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I. C. Demetriou’s Profile

Ioannis C. Demetriou (B.Sc. Pure Mathematics, M.Phil. Computer Science, Ph.D. University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics), professor of mathematics and informatics, since 2009 Chairman of the Department of Economics at University of Athens, Greece. Also, director of the Computing Lab (1995-2009) and Associate Director (1997-2008) / Director (2008-10) of MSc course on Applied Economics and Finance. He develops theory and algorithms for numerical approximation and optimization calculations accompanied by software development for general use. His research focuses especially on data smoothing by divided differences and its applications to science, engineering and economics. He has developed the software packages L2CXFT, CXFTV2, L1PMA, L2CXCV and L2WPMA that are accessible through the scientific library systems of the Collected Algorithms of the ACM and Computer Physics Communications. He has studied as a grantee of the State Scholarship Foundation of Greece and, while a research student, received the J. T. Knight Price of Mathematics of University of Cambridge. Some of his research papers won awards as ‘National Contribution of Greece to IFORS 93’ and by the International Association of Engineers (World Congress on Engineering 2007, Imperial College, London). He has also received the ‘Best paper award on Computational Statistics and Data Engineering 2008’ (WCE, Imperial College) as well as «Certificate of Merit 2012» and «Best paper award 2013». He also acts as an academic evaluator in national and international committees for tertiary education. He is a member of scientific committees of international conferences.

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